Tuesday, January 5, 2010

WoW: A New Blog

Little late to the game here with my own blog, but better late then never. Guess my first blog should be a quick background wrap up of myself and my relationship with WoW.

I'll start with Warcraft, because if you're here reading this it's probably due to that. Before WoW I was and always have been a very active gamer. I have played them all starting back on my first system which was the Atari 2600. Pitfall FTW. Back in my childhood if it had bit's I played it and I beat it. I might not get "Every Banana" ;-) but I will beat it! In high school I was a huge RPG fan. Final Fantasy & Chrono Trigger where my favorites. Played them for HOURS. Loved them all. Still do. After high school I was introduced to FPS's. B/c in College it was all about the LAN parties and the deathmatches. I was part of a CAL-IM Team in Counter-Strike for about 2 years. This was where I got the Name Tag - Snyper. It was given to me by my team as I was the best with the Awp from any distance. I was always the cover man for anyone that needed one. After this ran it's course a very good friend of mine told me I had to try out this MMORPG game called "World of Warcraft". I was very reluctant at first. As it had been years since I have done any RPG's let alone an Online one. But, being the person I am, and having to try everything once, I bought it.

This is the point where my world got flipped upside down and inside out. He told me to go Horde first as he was horde so I said "Sure" and dove in. What to pick? So many choices. So little knowledge of the game. Something simple i thought. Something that wouldn't put me in harms way. I know. A warlock! What to name him. Well I have been "Snyper" for so long. New toon. Newsnyper. That sounds silly. What another word for New?.... Neo! Still not sure how this stuck to this day. Neosnyper was made. I didn't know at this point the warlock was one of the more difficult classes to play as a first time toon, but i have a very short learning curve when it comes to video games. Our first guild was called Neomortem. We did well but as most first time guilds it broke.

During this time I thought to myself I couldn't be the only one around me that is getting addicted to this game. So i thought who else could I drag down into this madness? Well, there is a guy i work with that is as addicted to games as i am. Most of you know him as Ofn or Canth. We've been playing a lot of Diablo 2 and I knew he thought highly of Blizzard as a game developer and it didn't take much talking and I had him hooked. However, he didn't have the same admiration to the horde as I did and he wanted to go Ally for his own reasons as you can read here. (Ofn Running) My other friend was playing less and less and I wanted more so I made the decision to go ally with Ofn and build up a new toon. A Night Elf Druid. To this day my favorite character. Also the only one that’s special to me as he was with me pretty much since the beginning. I started him only 3 months after game came out. Ofn and I leveled them pretty quickly. As fast as leveling was in those days. And I made the mistake as to level him Resto (don't laugh).

After a time I found my single life vs. Ofn's married life gave me a lot more hours to play. So I ended up leaving our guild to go to a more Hardcore guild. This guild was Prominence of Dragonmaw. We were the top guild of our server and ranked top 50 worldwide for a time. 2nd MC clear. 1st BWL clear. top 10 AQ and ZG clears. I was a resto druid in these days. Not to boast one of the best. I had a lot of time to work at it. And my gear and skills were well oiled and solid.

Then I hit a burn out block and sold my druid and stopped playing. Came back after 2 months. Made a new priest and traded him for my druid back b/c the kid didn't like the druid anymore. Took it more casual for a time and joined up with Ofn again and we just played casual for a time.

Then we came to Alter of Storms for a new experience as our server was HIGH POP and annoying to do PVP. I joined Heroic Inc for a month and then when to Bloodsky with my druid for rest of BC. We did very well. I was a tank in this guild. After a time when WotLK came out I joined Dominion and moved to a new toon I was leveling (Warlock). I got burnt out again b/c at this time my Single life as over. I'm now Married and have a daughter. I joined Devolve after moving to horde b/c if I stayed Ally i would raid again with Dominion ever damn night.

At this time in wow I am loving life. I am in my favorite guild I have ever been in. Great people and very casual. Play my lock as my main but I have worked my druid up again to an epic status. I also have an 80 Pally and a 70+ leveling rogue. I could have written so much more but who cares to know all the details. Thanks for reading and look forward to doing more.